Bet on proven and safe Cisco routers.

Bet on proven and safe Cisco routers

Remote learning, coordinating business operations, providing access to resources outside the home network – each of these tasks is specific, but they all have one thing in common: the need for maximum connection security. And it will be great if this can be achieved in the easiest possible way.

Basic level of security

Not every user has time, knowledge, or capabilities to properly configure security on a router. Yes, under ideal conditions you would ask for expert support, but we don’t live in ideal conditions. That’s why, for example, every Cisco router is already pre-configured with the most commonly used options. Even this level of basic security provides a good level of protection against the most common threats and can be considered sufficient outside of critical infrastructure or in everyday use, or at least until the configuration is complete.

It’s important to choose routers that already out-of-the-box are secure. You need to be aware of the possible limitations of the default configuration, but it is still a basic layer of security that will protect your data from the vast majority of threats.

Security is in the options

The basic configuration is created on the basis of statistical user needs analysis, but of course in reality almost no user is fully compliant with the statistical model. No one today denies the need for access to configuration options – even if not necessarily to change the firmware on the router, certainly to update it or modify the settings. Strengthening the strength of encryption, enabling network segmentation, manually enabling and disabling certain network services – these are solutions that are increasingly used also by non-professional users, and the router’s system interface should leave a lot of flexibility in setting individual additional options.

Greater security through knowledge

Awareness of how a router should be configured comes from user knowledge, but at this level we are still talking about some statistical regularities in the field of security or network structure analysis. Maximum security, on the other hand, is only possible if decisions can be made based on specific data from inside the network. Cisco routers, for example, are equipped with an extensive set of analytical tools. They allow to evaluate current and averaged network usage, control data flow in real time and monitor threats. This allows you – without breaking the basic setup – to take action in a crisis situation or predict threats based on traffic analysis.

More knowledge, less default actions

Routers, when it comes to security, should be ready to operate immediately after connection, secure by default. Today, however, there is no way to secure a network if the administrator does not have access to monitoring tools and advanced configuration. Security of a router no longer depends solely on its operating system, but also on additional tools provided by the manufacturer, and it is worth remembering this fact when choosing network equipment for the home, business or institution.

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